Madison Co Fair

Dear Junior Fair Supporter

Dear Junior Fair Supporter


Dear Junior Fair Supporter:

Please mark the dates of July 7 to July 14, 2018 for the Madison County Junior Fair. We invite you to come and see of 800 youth who participate in the Madison County Fair annually. Their involvement includes competitive events, for which we try to reward the winners with trophies, banners, ribbons, or other appropriate recognition. The awards presented at the county fair could not happen without the wonderful support from our sponsors. This is a very exciting year at the Madison County Junior Fair and we want you and/or your business to be a part of this legacy!

Enclosed, please find a card listing our donor levels. Trophies/awards are approximately $25 each. If you choose to donate, you will have your name, your group’s name, or company’s name highlighted in the Madison County Fair Book, and a special place on the donor signs displayed during the fair. The donor name will also appear on the trophies/awards according to the amount donated.

On behalf of the Junior Fair Participants, we thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you at the Madison County Fair!

Thank you from the Junior Fair Advisory Committee.